Blog 4

 For this blog post, I wanted to further explore the question that I used in my last analytical essay: Is a world without nuclear weapons desirable?  In my essay, I concluded that a world without nuclear weapons is in fact desirable as it is impossible to remove the knowledge of their existence as an assembly, therefore a world without nuclear weapons cannot be undesirable, as it is impossible.  I also concluded that by removing these devices, it would only promote  their secret assembly and storage, which could lead to hostility and promote the misuse of nuclear power.  I felt like this question highlighted a lot of the problems that arise on an international scale and how difficult it is to implement global governance.  I think that this question also highlights how technological  developments can change how interactions between different nations occur and alter the way in  which nations act and react.  I feel like this question extends beyond nuclear power, as it shows the nuances that present themselves on an international scale with new developments.  What limitations do international governances have?  Are all nations held to the same standard under international governances? 

I feel like this topic mainly presents the issue of inequality; not all nations have the same knowledge and assets of others, and because of this will remain inherently unequal.  If an international governance was put into place to remove nuclear weapons entirely, it would really only deter poorer nations from developing and storing these devices, as wealthier nations would be able to pay the fines for possessing these devices and handle any additional consequences.  I wonder what other kinds of international governance would inadvertently allow for nations to be held to different standards, despite the intention being creating equality and accountability.  How can nations be held accountable when international powers are inherently unequal and there is no realistic way to combat this inequality.  Can an international superpower just do whatever they want with minimal consequences?  I question what can be done in the future to hold all nations to an equal standard, regardless of size, wealth, military power, and so on .


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