The UN's False Claim of Peace In Liberia
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organisation that promotes peace around the globe through aid, action, commitments, and support. Its mission is to maintain international peace and security. Although, through looking at various interventions in the UN’s history, it can be seen that this supposedly harmonising organisation has claimed peace in areas even when it has not been fully reached. In one of my classes, we look into how media portrays events incorrectly especially in regards to feeding into the White superiority complex, ignoring colonialist histories, and not blaming external countries and organisations for ultimately harmful interventions. While looking for such a document to critique, I came across an article by the UN titled “Their 15-year mission a success, the UN peacekeepers depart a stable and grateful Liberia”. With some knowledge of Liberia’s present, it can be deduced that it is not in a stable or peaceful state. After the two d...